Binders by Design!

Many businesses today have a wealth of information that is just too much to put in a ‘one off’ brochure and changes so often that they need a flexible and economic way to present this information to customers and staff.

The development of presentation and loose leaf products to market and promote their services and/or products can be met through producing ring binders, dividers and insert pages!

Bespoke design & print services

Bespoke design & print services can custom make Binders, Slipcases, wallets, folders, pockets, clipboards, menu covers, display boards and dividers that are individual and tailored to meet customer’s precise specifications. Binders for instance can be produced in a variety of materials such as ‘paper over board, PVC and polypropylene’ and can be customised using a variety of print and finishing options!

Spot On Printers in Blackpool

Please contact us if we can help design & print your Binders and loose leaf marketing material to develop your business with customers and staff!




Don’t Neglect Professionally Printed Business Stationery!


Many businesses don’t consider purchasing business stationery an important business decision that needs to carefully thought through!  This is a big mistake!

Business stationery is very important because it not only identifies the business, but it is also an effective marketing tool. It demonstrates professionalism and can often attract new clients. Always consider the following benefits of creating custom designed professional stationery:

Business Stationery Projects the Company’s Image

It establishes trust. It depicts the company in a positive and professional manner. Professional stationery tells clients and potential clients that the business is professional and legitimate. Quality stationery will leave a long lasting impression. It is basically the face of the company.

Stationery helps with Networking

When meeting potential clients for the first time at a meeting or conference, business cards are the first thing they see from the company. Custom stationery demonstrates that the business welcomes and appreciates the client’s business.

Business Stationery as a Marketing Tool

it is important that businesses acquire and use a variety of different types of stationery. This can include letterheads, envelopes, business cards, pens, pencils, invoice and compliment slips, brochures, folders, roller stands, contract proposals, quotes and estimates, letters of recommendation, thanks and apology, and more. By having a variety of different types of businesses stationery, they will be constantly marketing their businesses in a creative, professional, and non-intrusive manner.

Stationery that is Uniquely Customized

Companies can have stationery designed to their own specifications to meet their business needs and desires.  Business stationery is an important part of increasing a company’s public visibility.

Please contact us if you would like to know more about our Stationary Promotions and how we can help your organisation develop and print professionally designed stationery to enhance your brand and attract business!




Lord of the Rings!

Ring Binders are not just used for filing paperwork anymore!

Paper over board ring binders with printed covers are always in demand for promotional and marketing work! The covers can be printed in full colour on the highest quality paper, laminated with a matt or gloss finish and mounted on to thick cardboard. Many of our customers use them for Training Manuals, Franchise Manuals and Operational Manuals to name but a few uses!

Highly Customisable Ring Binders

Customers can in many cases choose the size, shape, spine thickness and binding mechanism and we can also add custom pockets and CD holders to enhance functionality of your ring binders depending on the quantities

Please contact Spot On Print in Blackpool if you would like to know more about developing, designing and printing bespoke branded binders and folders.




Shake up your Transactional print!

Every day, week or month, millions of statements, invoices and cheques are printed throughout the world. Recent studies have shown that, on average, a consumer will spend forty two and a half seconds reviewing a bill. That’s forty two and a half seconds you’ve got to grab a client’s attention.

Enter ‘Transactional Printing’! For 30-40 years invoices and statements have retained their general appearance; black print, columns of numbers and a bill at the bottom. Besides having minor changes in layout, transactional documents have never undergone any dramatic changes.

Typically, documents of any kind have a lot of unused white space, and in recent times businesses are seeing the potential of using this space to include promotional advertising. Marketing departments nationwide are now encouraging the use of ‘Whitespace’ as a valuable tool for self-promotion.

Here at Spot On we’ve been at the forefront of advising our print customers to develop and produce their marketing messages on their transactional printed materials from bills, statements and invoices to payslips, supporting documents and salary slips.

Contact Spot On Design and Print right now if you would like to know more about developing and printing marketing messages for your transactional printed materials.




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